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OpenSource Firewall with Avira Antivir Technology - Version 2015
The "Altimate Security Gateway" provides a small and easy to manage open-source solution for home and business networks.
- The very intuitive web interface allows easy configuration
- Broadband connections like DSL, WiFi as well as basic firewall rules can be set up without detailed knowledge of network administration.
- The basic system, based on a Gentoo-Linux with a hardened kernel provides security and stability for long term usage over years.
- The "Altimate Firewall" is exclusively based on open source software such as "Shorewall" and "OpenVPN" and is available under free license.
- With its completely customizable configuration, the "Altimate Firewall" can meet the requirements for a strong and secure Business Firewall
- The built-in "Avira Antivir" Technology protects the network against trojans and viruses from web pages and E-mails
- The automatic update service ensures that you always run the latest version with the newest bug fixes and features
The "Altimate Firewall" developed by the Altimate Net GmbH provides a safe and easy to use solution for both private and business users. In times of trojan-laden E-Mails unintentionally sent even by trustworthy people, drive-by browser infections, network intrusions through accidentally opened ports and hacked user accounts because of data sent in clear text, it is necessary to have ONE single solution for all of these problems. By offering on open source firewall which is easily configurable to ones individual needs within the powerful web interface Altimate Net GmbH provides such a solution.
Besides the combination of well known and well proven software like "Shorewall", "Avira Antivir", "Open VPN" and many more, the outstanding feature of the Altimate Firewall is its web interface. It is built to be easy to use for everyone - from the average user trying to protect its network all the way up to professional small-business network administrators. Every single setting can be adjusted on-the-fly within the web interface. Each modulation has its own tab and is - in most cases - independent from other settings. While firewall rules for individual programs can be easily configured with drag&drop there are also settings for advanced users like configuring a static VPN connection to a remote destination. It is as powerful as it is easy to use!
Try it out!
You can download a "ready to use" VMware image on our sourceforge page which you can start in VMware, without having to install or configure anything. If you want to test the "Altimate Firewall" on your existing firewall hardware, you can download our installation CD which contains an installation script that seamlessly installs the "Altimate Firewall" after checking a few requirements. If you are convinced by the "Altimate Firewall" but have no hardware to run it on, we provide some hardware on !Hardware Solutions

For Home-Networks
For your Home network we provide a nice litle Hardware Firewall, small and with a low use of energy with an optinal 54MbiT Wireless AP (WPA2 encryption available).
For Business-Networks
For the business network we provide a 19" Firewall 1HE and a 2HE fully redundant and fast Hardwaresolution.

For Informations about how to login, please have a look at the documentation or our security blog. Please leave us a message what you think about that project or for requests about any further enhancements of the product. Documentation is in progress.
References (only in german, sorry):
Der Deutsche Mietkautionsbund e.V. der sich mit dem Thema Mietkaution
und Finanzen kümmert, hat ein sehr hohes Sicherheitsbewußtsein und setzt
die Altimate Firewall für alle Ihre Server ein.
Florian Haas, Vorstandsvorsitzender des Deutschen Mietkautionsbundes
sagt dazu:
„Die Altimate Firewall ist in Punkto Preis, Leistung und natürlich im Bezug auf Sicherheit unschlagbar“.
„Die Altimate Firewall wird für das Load-Balancen und die Sicherheit von kicker eingesetzt. Die flexible Handhabung und das Open-Source Konzept hat uns hierbei überzeugt. Das kleine aber performante XEN-Image hat unsere Erwartungen bei weitem übertroffen.“CEO,
„Die Altimate Firewall wird vom dem Internetportal ausdrücklich empfohlen. Das Portal behandelt Sicherheitsprobleme und gibt Tipps bezüglich It-Sicherheit. Dieses Portal vermittelt z.B die Internetschutzpolice für Privatpersonen und Familien. Images und die verwendete Hardware wird von dem Portal lobend genannt. Herzlichen Dank an das TEAM“